What's Darkstorm?
- As you probably noticed in the title, Universal is now part of Darkstorm Servers
- Universal is here to stay - don't worry!
- All existing staff are still here, we just changed ownership as Anane needed a break.
- No drastic changes are on the horizon, but we are always open to feedback!
- Questions? Go to darkstorm.cc/discord in the #universal-sandbox channel
Le Rules
- Don't be a dick.
- No insta-kill or teleport E2s/PACs/Dupes/Contraptions.
- No Cheating. (Aimbot, ESP, Triggerbot, ETC)
- No "enhanced movement" E2s/PACs during Kill Mode.
- Don't spam props or big dupes.
- No spawn killing. (At least let them acknowledge you)
- No prop pushing or prop killing unless both parties involved are okay with it.
- Don't teleport without consent.
- Don't promote hate speech.
More specific Rules
You can use Expression 2 to kill others, but it cannot be overly unfair. If unsure, ask to staff. Do not PvP when you know it is unfair to the other person (for instance, if you have a small or partially invisible player model).
The rules are flexible to an extent, but
the main point is to not impede another player's gameplay or fun intentionally.
Reporting Rulebreakers
before typing a chat message to send it to admins. You can also join our Discord server (link at the top of this page) and report a player on the
#reports channel.
Why can't I use the Advanced Duplicator?
To discourage some bad people from spamming, the Duplicator and AdvDupe2 tools can only be used by
When do I rank up to player?
rank is given after playing on the server for 1 hour.
How do I get the respected rank?
rank is given to people who, well, are respected. This means, people who are trusted by staff members and did not have a history of constantly breaking rules.
How do I enter Build / PvP mode?
Our server uses a voting system for that (type
on chat). This means that everyone on the server is in either on

Build or

PvP mode at once. You can check which mode the server is currently on by opening chat.
How do I use emotes?
You can either type a emote name between two colons or choose one on the emote panel by clicking on the

bottom right of the chat box.
Workshop Collection
All of the addons below (except maps) should automatically download when you join the server. If you want to subscribe to them yourself, they can be found at:
- SmartSnap
- Smart Weld
- 3D2D Textscreens
- [Official] Precision Tool
- Advanced Ball Socket Tool (Adv. Ballsocket)
- Advanced Bone Tool
- Advanced Duplicator 2
Buoyancy Tool
- Elevator Tool
- Fading door tool
- Collision Resizer
- Fin 2
Improved Stacker
- Improved Weight
- Keep Upright Advanced
- LED screens
- Make Spherical
- Multi-Parent / Unparent Tool
- No Collide - Multi
- Precision Alignment
- Sub Material Tool
- Unbreakable Tool
- Visual Clip Tool
- Track Assembly Tool
- Tank Track Tool
- Prop2Mesh
- [simfphys] LUA Vehicles - Base
- Simfphys Cars - Other Pack
Shared Textures (REUPLOAD)
- CS:Source Driveable Vehicles
- [LFS] - Planes
- [LFS] AH-6 Littlebird
- Starfall
- Wiremod
- Wire Extras
- [E2] AntCore
[E2] Beam Core
- [E2] CurrencyCore
- [E2] DamageCore
- [E2] Doragon's AdminCore & other functions
- [E2] Particle Core
- [E2] PlyCore
- [E2] SpriteCore
- [E2] StencilCore
- [E2] VehicleCore
- [E2] VR Core
- Nexus Core (E2 Functions)
- gm_bigcity
- gm_boreas
- gm_genesis
- Freespace 13